Contract partner

Manage your contractual partners
on our platform.

You can also use the advantages of ONLOGIST with your existing contractual partners. Standardised accounting, digital logs and lean processes throughout the entire value chain optimise collaboration with your long-term logistics partners. You also benefit from the comprehensive organisational and analytical tools that you can use to improve and accelerate your logistics processes.

Use synergies and bundle
all vehicle services in one place.

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One platform, all options

Efficient logistics have to be well organised: ONLOGIST allows you to benefit from more efficient processes, a fast and transparent order placement system and comprehensive analytical tools that give you a detailed overview of your vehicle logistics – including those of your contractual partners. As a scalable platform, ONLOGIST offers you every opportunity to expand your vehicle logistics.

More efficiency

Innovative tools show you hidden potential.

Efficient logistics require transparency. ONLOGIST gives you an overview of all your vehicle orders and their current status – an absolute must in order to optimise your relocation processes. You can also use these tools with your regular drivers to maximise the efficiency of your employees or contractual partners.

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Simple. Safe. Cost-saving.

Use ONLOGIST with contractual partners

The ideal platform for smoothing out order peaks

ONLOGIST is based on your requirements: You can smooth out load peaks in your logistics quickly and flexibly by placing orders. Registered transport services take on the transfers that your internal logistics cannot handle in just a short period of time.

Make claims management easier

ONLOGIST also offers the right tool for claims: With our claims tool, you benefit from digital and transparent claims logging so that all the important information for insurers is collected clearly in one place.

Simplify accounting

You can reduce the burden on your accounting department using ONLOGIST’s easy accounting system. With just one invoice from one creditor, you can pay your contractual partner and any additional transport services you use.

Negotiated contracts remain in place

Using ONLOGIST to organise your contractual partners does not result in any additional costs for your partners. You can save the negotiated prices on file in your account and have all your costs at a glance.

You are in good company.